Harmaassa ja sateessa lähdettiin siskon ja miehensä kanssa ajelemaan kohti Helsinkiä eilen. Samalla piipahdettiin täyttämässä vatsamme kummityttömme ja hänen poikaystävänsä ahkeroimilla herkuilla, mistä suurkiitos! <3
Started towards Helsinki in a really grey weather. My sister's hubby drove and we visited our goddaughter on the way. Got our tummies full of yummies!
Started towards Helsinki in a really grey weather. My sister's hubby drove and we visited our goddaughter on the way. Got our tummies full of yummies!
Kuvia tuli taas melkein 400 otettua, eli tarkkaansanottuna 368. Menipä siinä taas aikaa valitessa, mitkä kuvat haluaa säilyttää ja mitkä poistaa, mitkä pienentää, mitkä laittaa valokuva-albumikansioon.
Took almost four hundred photos, well actually 368. So, it took some time for me to go through them. Which photos to spare and what to put away, what to get a bit smaller and what to be saved for the album.
Took almost four hundred photos, well actually 368. So, it took some time for me to go through them. Which photos to spare and what to put away, what to get a bit smaller and what to be saved for the album.
Aivan ihania kukkaistutuksia ja oleskelualueita siellä täällä saarta. Mikseivät yhdistä jotenkin näitä kasvitieteellisen puutarhan kanssa, kun mahdollisuuksia taatusti olisi? Olisi nytkin ollut kiva tietää monien kasvien nimet, joita olivat käyttäneet siellä puutarhoissa.
There were a lot of really beautifully made flower arrangements all over the island. Was wondering why the botanical garden haven't used the opportunity to take some space from here for their plants, there's manure close, too.
There were a lot of really beautifully made flower arrangements all over the island. Was wondering why the botanical garden haven't used the opportunity to take some space from here for their plants, there's manure close, too.
Ihasteltiin myös vallan upeita hiekkatöitä, joita jatkuvat sateet eivät olleet kovinkaan paljoa vaurioittaneet. Siellä linnut kiipeilivät niillä myös, ja silti pysyivät nätteinä.
Quite spectacular sand statues there also. Made already at the begining of the summer and though there's been a LOT of rain, they looked like made yesterday. So nice.
Quite spectacular sand statues there also. Made already at the begining of the summer and though there's been a LOT of rain, they looked like made yesterday. So nice.
Joissakin häkeissä oli lasiruudut, joitten läpi olisi saanut hyviäkin kuvia paremmin kuin verkkojen läpi. Tietysti JOS ruutu olisi ollut puhdas. Monet olivat niin harmaita, että niitten läpi kuvaaminen vain ei onnistunut millään. Oma kamera ainakin pakkasi automaattisesti kohdentamaan siihen likaisuuteen, eikä sen taakse olevaan kuvauskohteeseen. Joitakin muutamia poikkeuksia lukuunottamatta. Ja jos yleisö seuraa eläimiä, niin kyllä ne eläimetkin joskus kummastelevat yleisöä, niinkuin tässä lumileopardi. Upea otus!
Some cages had a glass to help taking photos. Well, they would've helped, if they would've been clean. Now many of them were so grey the focus from the camera didn't go through the glass. Only in a few places it worked as it was supposed to. And if the people are looking in, the animals are also looking out at times. Beautiful creature!
Some cages had a glass to help taking photos. Well, they would've helped, if they would've been clean. Now many of them were so grey the focus from the camera didn't go through the glass. Only in a few places it worked as it was supposed to. And if the people are looking in, the animals are also looking out at times. Beautiful creature!
Paljon pieniä kivoja yksityiskohtia, upeita rakennuksia, mahtavia kallioita koko saari pullollaan. Vähän on tummia kuvat, kun aurinkoa ei nähty.
There were also a lot of small details, wonderful buildings, magnificient rocks in the island. Bit dark some photos, 'cos it was so dark. Rained when we arrived and saw rain outside the island a few times, but not other than a few drops on us any more. Wet it still was.
There were also a lot of small details, wonderful buildings, magnificient rocks in the island. Bit dark some photos, 'cos it was so dark. Rained when we arrived and saw rain outside the island a few times, but not other than a few drops on us any more. Wet it still was.
Upea, iso ilves oli liikkeellä ja koitti saada häkkiinsä eksyneitä variksia kiinni. Pääsi siis toteuttamaan saalistusviettiään sillä tavoin. Ei kyllä tainnut onnistua tässä, ainakaan juuri meidän siellä ollessamme.
Great looking huge lynx was trying to catch some birds that were in her cage. Didn't get any, as far as we could see, though. But it was good to see she was alert and ready to run. The cage was a good size, so there were room for running, too.
Great looking huge lynx was trying to catch some birds that were in her cage. Didn't get any, as far as we could see, though. But it was good to see she was alert and ready to run. The cage was a good size, so there were room for running, too.
Tämä oli yksiä puhtaimpia laseja, joitten läpi pääsi kuvaamaan. Siitäkin tuli kovasti heijastuksia yleisöstä, joka oli siinä lähellä kaunista pantteria ihastelemassa. Väritkin haalenivat.
This was one of the cleanest glasses there was. Still it got some reflections from the people that were behind it, looking and admiring the animal. Affected the colors, too.
This was one of the cleanest glasses there was. Still it got some reflections from the people that were behind it, looking and admiring the animal. Affected the colors, too.
Tässä sama eläin ilman lasia, mutta aidan takaa. Kaunis, kaunis on!
Here's the same cat without glass, but behing the fence. So, so beautiful she is!
Here's the same cat without glass, but behing the fence. So, so beautiful she is!
Tiikeri myös lasin takaa kuvattuna. On se vaan jyhkeä ja kaunis eläin! Katsokaa nyt, mitkä tassutkin sillä on! Suloinen kuin mikä!
This tiger is also photoed behind the glass. Huge animal, so powerful and spectacular. And cute! One of my favourite animals.
This tiger is also photoed behind the glass. Huge animal, so powerful and spectacular. And cute! One of my favourite animals.
Kameleista ei niin edustava kuva, mutta piti napata zoomilla, kun tuolla toisella näyttää niin hassusti olevan taitettuna takajalat, ettei mitään määrää. Näytti todella luonnottomalta ja hassulta, mutta niin vain siitäkin ylös noustiin. =P
Not the best angle of photo from the camels, but just wanted to take the photo of the funny looking back legs of the one on the right. Seems quite unnatural somehow, but up it went quite nicely. :)
Not the best angle of photo from the camels, but just wanted to take the photo of the funny looking back legs of the one on the right. Seems quite unnatural somehow, but up it went quite nicely. :)
Erilaisia Amazonin ja Afrikan ja mikähän se yksi mahtoikaan olla (?) eläviä. Hyönteisiä, matelijoita, nilviäisiä, lintuja, apinoita... Minä ihastelin ympäristön vehreyttä ja viidakkomaisuutta huoneissa. Oli lammikoita, vesiputouksia, puita pensaita, puskia. Upeaa!
There were buildings of Amazon and Africa and some other places in the world. Insects, snakes, worms, birds, apes... I mostly enjoyed the surroundings with jungle like greenness and freshness everywhere. Ponds, waterfalls, trees, bushes. Beautiful!
There were buildings of Amazon and Africa and some other places in the world. Insects, snakes, worms, birds, apes... I mostly enjoyed the surroundings with jungle like greenness and freshness everywhere. Ponds, waterfalls, trees, bushes. Beautiful!
Kaikenmoiset hämähäkit, torakat, toukat ym. ei kovasti innosta. Eikä kaikkia osannut edes lasien takaa bongatakaan. Ympäristö onneksi oli kaunista myös.
I don't much care about all the spiders, cockroaches, maggots and such. Some of them were well hidden, too, so we didn't even spot them through the glass. But I was happy enjoying other aspects of the display.
I don't much care about all the spiders, cockroaches, maggots and such. Some of them were well hidden, too, so we didn't even spot them through the glass. But I was happy enjoying other aspects of the display.
Mentiin vähän ristiin rastiin, kun ei tuolla oikein kunnon reittiä taida olla, että miten kannattaa kulkea, jotta kaiken näkisi ja kokisi, mitä koettavaa on. Mutta ei se haitannut. Saarelle tultiin pienessä sateessa, mutta kun se loppui, se ei uudestaan enää alkanut. Vaikka kyllä nähtiin saarelta, että kauempana satoi kyllä.
Had to go here and there, walk zigzag, 'cos there wasn't any particular route to go. But we had time and in the end it took us about four hours. Lazy walking and in the end it was great not to have had too hot a day. That would've been a nuisance. We were lucky!
Had to go here and there, walk zigzag, 'cos there wasn't any particular route to go. But we had time and in the end it took us about four hours. Lazy walking and in the end it was great not to have had too hot a day. That would've been a nuisance. We were lucky!
Pesukarhu löysi jotain syötävää ja se piti tietysti käydä pesemässä ensin. :) Hauska!
A raccoon found somehting to eat and went to the water to get it washed. So cute! =)
A raccoon found somehting to eat and went to the water to get it washed. So cute! =)
Näitä upeita istutuksia ja pieniä lampialueita oli saarella siellä täällä. Kiva, kun ovat panostaneet ympäristöönkin näin upeasti.
There were a lot of nicely put perennial flowerbeds and sitting areas, some of them with a little pond or a creek. Some of the sitting areas had a barbeque as well - for family picnicks.
There were a lot of nicely put perennial flowerbeds and sitting areas, some of them with a little pond or a creek. Some of the sitting areas had a barbeque as well - for family picnicks.
Hieno päivä! Siskon mies ajoi matkat sinne ja takaisin, mistä suurkiitos! Ei tuo uusi suora moottoritie täältä sinne (ja toisinpäin, tietty myös) oikein mitenkään silmiä hivelevä ole. Varsinkaan näin kun mennen tullen satoi vettä. Ei pahemmin löydy mitään sen kummempaa katseltavaa. Valleja erilaisia, louhittua kalliota, vallia taas. Jokunen hassu paikka, mistä näkyi peltoa miltei silmänkantamattomiin, mikä olikin viehättävää. Saa siinä kuski löytää itselleen jotain kiinnostavaa, että pysyy hereillä.
The day was really wonderful! The road from Turku to Helsinki isn't anything to be enjoyed, with the view, I mean. There's mostly the voice walls, made by rocks, wood or glass and congrete, nothing much to see. Only in few places there were these field areas where you could see fields for as far as there was something to see both on the left and right. And then we were in the between the walls again.
The day was really wonderful! The road from Turku to Helsinki isn't anything to be enjoyed, with the view, I mean. There's mostly the voice walls, made by rocks, wood or glass and congrete, nothing much to see. Only in few places there were these field areas where you could see fields for as far as there was something to see both on the left and right. And then we were in the between the walls again.
Mies oli siellä jo siskon perheen pihalla odottamassa, kun tultiin, hän oli hoitanut koirien iltapäivälenkityksen työpäivänsä päätteeksi. Eka työpäivä loman jälkeen, sateisen sellaisen tällä kertaa. Kyllä vaan olikin upea päivä!
My hubby was already waiting for me in the yard of my sister's when we came. He took care of the afternoon walk with the dogs after his work. First day after the holidays. Really rainy this year. But I truly enjoyed myself, the whole day through!
My hubby was already waiting for me in the yard of my sister's when we came. He took care of the afternoon walk with the dogs after his work. First day after the holidays. Really rainy this year. But I truly enjoyed myself, the whole day through!
4 kommenttia:
hehheh.... Hyvän päivän valitsit! Olimme meinaan maanantaina helsingissä.....
MINNA: Nonni! Oltais vaikka voitu osua nokakkainkin. Oliskin ollut hauska juttu! ;)
Miten kummassa sinä onnistuit saamaan noin kivoja kuvia korkeasaaressa? Mekin käytiin siellä, mutta esim isot kissat pysyttelivät tarkasti piiloissaan.
T: sorella
Kannattaa vähän kurkkia niitä eläinten ruokinta-aikoja ja olla siinäkohti paikalla. Paras mahdollisuus nähdä eläimet läheltä. ;)
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